Thursday, March 22, 2007

Have you ever wanted to competely and totally vent about something, but because it's so extremely personal and self-revealing, you don't?  That's where I'm at.  So...I vent to a friend who, bless his little heart, loves me in spite of myself.

I feel like my life is moving about 4 days faster than me. All I'm doing right now is playing catch up.  Maybe it's all the extra time I was in NYC.  Oh well, it was a blast.

I'm continually astonished at how much I'm changing.  While we were gone, I realized how much my mother relies on my dad.  It's definitely not a bad thing and works very well for her, but it's not my personality.  Now, you know as much as I do that I want to be married one of these days, but I like the thought of my self-reliance joined with another self-reliant person.  I really enjoyed riding the subway alone without an ounce of fear.  I'm very confident living by myself and am only scared about 1 day out of the month now.  The idea of having a job and paying my own bills and living my own life is extremely appealing right now.  Weird.  I guess the forced independence is growing on me. :)

I bought The Holiday last night.  If you haven't seen it, see it.  I wrote a blog back in January about it.  Read it. :)

Much love,