Friday, May 14, 2010

Adopting a God-dream

Yesterday, I was picking up my bridesmaid dress for a friend's wedding this summer, and we were talking shoes, jewelry, hair. I disappointed her when I said my hair doesn't hold curls. I've tried: mousse, hair spray, rollers, curling iron, flat iron, the works! It looks pretty for an hour and then it's straight (with a bunch of nasty products in it). My hair is straight, very straight. It doesn't hold curl, and this is a fact I long ago accepted. I don't try to force my hair to do what it doesn't naturally have the ability to do.

I think our interaction with God is often the same. We beg him to make us into something we were never created to do. We try to stretch or mold ourselves into an idea that God never had for us. It's like putting rollers in my hair. It might work for a moment, but we're going to be frustrated and disappointed in the end.

Sometimes we have to let go of the dreams that aren't God-dreams. Let him use the abilities he naturally gave you. You will succeed far more than you imagined.