Monday, April 9, 2007

I'm stressed.

When all I really want to do is play and enjoy my friends, I'm stuck doing tons and tons of homework.  I have 25 days until graduation, and I'm trying to make the best of it.  But I seriously think it may be my most stressful 25 days yet.  I made a list today of all the projects and papers I have left (this does not include daily quizzes and tests), and it came to 7.  One of these is a project which is an incredibly lengthy account of my life for developmental psychology, and one is a 12+ page paper for human sexuality.  I also have an 8 page book report for abnormal psychology (which I haven't read) and a journal project for human sexuality.  The other 3 are fairly small, but I still have to do them!  ahh!!

Tired of me whining yet??  haha  Oh well, the end is in sight.  25 days.  Holy freakin crap.


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