Monday, April 5, 2010

Thoughts from the back of an ambulance

I finally figured out a way to blog from my phone. Sitting at the computer is one thing I do not make time for in my life any more. My Mac has seen better days and refuses to connect to the internet, so I can't lay in bed and write like I used to. Therefore blogging has its best chances during my down time at clinicals or break at work.

Tonight I find myself in the back of an ambulance, killing time while the guys fill up with gas. We've had some good calls, and I'm glad I got a chance to tag along. One thing I realized tonight was that I have the strangest mix of fears. I can put a c-collar (neck immobilizer) on a bleeding patient without a flinch, but that dead spider in the station's bathroom about made me come unglued. I love knowing that I'm helping someone; maybe that's why blood and vomit and other unpleasant fluids don't bother me.

Alright, it's quittin' time. Much love.

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