Thursday, June 26, 2003

For those of you who care, I am ok.  I promise I'm not like screwed up forever!

Tonight I went to Sara Canter's bachelorette party.  She was my very first friend in Longview.  She gets married on Sunday!  I'm so very happy for her.  We ate at Olive Garden then went to Jennifer's house and played games!  It was a blast.

I haven't really started work yet.  I finished training Sunday but haven't picked up a shift yet. I will definitely work Sunday.

Summer gets really boring.  I sleep late then feel like I waste the whole day.  I slept til 1 today then watched tv and washed my car.  By then it was 6 o clock and time to get ready for Sara's party.  My whole day was shot.  Oh well, it's summer and I'm young!!


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