Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Look it's Lent!

Well, folks, it's that time again! Happy Mardi Gras!! Tomorrow begins a time of prayer and fasting called Lent. Last year, I wrote about the history of this time. If you missed it, check it out: http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=74745751507 If you don't have FB, well, I guess it's time to sign up. :)

The Lord has been stirring my heart the past few weeks. In the midst of my craziness, he wants to be known and to be the prominent part of my life like never before. He's not satisfied simply with church attendance and good deeds; he wants my heart. I have been eagerly anticipating this time. I have taken part in Lent for the past several years, and it is always a tremendous time of growing, learning, and stretching-- and drawing nearer to a savior who loves me entirely more than I can fathom.

During the weeks leading up to Lent, I have to examine my life and my heart: What consumes my time and energy, my thoughts, passions, and focus? What can I give up during this season that will be challenging and will spur me towards prayer? The whole point of fasting is to give up a practice that we desire, and when thinking on this thing, pray instead of taking part. I have a feeling I will be reminded to pray quite often this year.

If you have never taken a season to fast, I challenge you to jump on board. Lent lasts from tomorrow until Easter Sunday. It's not about the rules, it's about the heart behind it. Allow this to be an encouraging time, not a guilt trip or legalistic game. And when we reach Easter, I pray we all more fully understand the sacrifice that was made on our behalf.

Much love.

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