Thursday, August 25, 2005

I'm somewhat disappointed with y'all.  Do you really think I would be having a baby, and y'all wouldn't know it?  Plus, I'm not even married (or dating, in case you're wondering).

I leave for Waxahachie at 7 am.  We just finished packing up Dad's truck.  Every year I think I'm cutting back on stuff, but I'm not sure I've succeeded.  I have to unpack super fast in 'Hachie then head to Van for a special evening.  I love my family.

For those that asked, I'll be a junior this semester and a senior in the spring.  I'll (hopefully) be graduating Dec. 2006!  That means 3 semesters of 15 hours and a summer of 9.  I can't believe how close it really is.


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