Sunday, September 11, 2005

What a week.  Wow, I'm so tired and exhausted yet thoroughly happy.  Classes are not bad.  I actually have a few that I love.  They're just all time consuming.  *Sigh*  If only college had no homework...I would enjoy the learning process so much more.

This weekend has been amazing!!  Friday Shelby and I went to the SAGU football game (yes, of course we lost) then watched a movie.  That night we found out good ol' Jason Hassig was coming to visit the next day.  Saturday we watched the SAGU soccer team (they lost, but at least they have potential) then got snow cones then went to All School Fellowship.  It was super fun.  Afterwards we went to West Village for coffee and a good time.  THEN, we thought our night was ending (and it would have still been a good day at that)  but we got to see DELMER FORCE perform!  oh yeah!  We danced around and acted like we could actually rap.  Yeah, it was amazing.


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