Sunday, June 20, 2010

Patches? We don't need no stinkin' patches

As you finish each level of EMS and pass the appropriate tests, you earn a new patch for your uniform. I currently hold my EMT-Basic in both national registry and state licensing. When I walk into clinical sites, I have visible proof that I am capable of certain skills and responsible for a stash of basic-level knowledge. Just a glance at my patch says, "She can administer instant glucose and is learning IV's now." Easy, right?

Don't you wish your other life achievements, accomplishments, or figure-it-out-the-hard-way moments were more obvious to others?

Instead of people asking me in shock, "You're 26? Why aren't you married?" They would see my certified "2 broken hearts" patch and "multiple failed dating attempts" certificate.

Instead of assuming I'm in paramedic school because I've wasted the last 8 years since high school, they would see my "bachelor's degree" emblem, and...well, I guess I could go ahead and wear my flight attendant wings. I might need a patch that says something about "She changes her mind a lot" and "Just wants to love what she does."

I would also have patches for my useless knowledge of celebrity life and "Friends"...just in case someone wanted to play a trivia game or make a bet, or something.

Anyone up for this idea? I'm also pretty great at hand-stitching, so I could get started on your patches, if you need.

Let me know. :)

(By the way, the title is stolen from the movie Troop Beverly Hills, and is best said with a Hispanic accent.)

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