Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm so frustrated right now. The first time in 3 years: I typed a really long xanga entry and then my computer froze. So...I'll try to recall what I just said.

During Christmas time I get very nostalgic. I like to think about where I was, who I was with, what I was doing from all the Christmases passed. It's even nice to think about the low times because I get to see how far I've come. For instance, yesterday I was thinking about 3 Christmases ago when I missed my family's Christmas because I was stuck in Missouri with my now ex-boyfriend. It was such a terrible time both mentally and emotionally, but I've had a chance to see how much I've grown. If I had it all to do over again, I wouldn't change a thing because I've learned so much about myself and about relationships in general.

Then there are the great times. Like last night, I got to spend some much needed time with two of my dearest friends, Mark and Ryan. I've known Mark since 4th grade and Ryan since 11th, so we had tons of memories to talk and laugh about. It was wonderful just laughing and hanging out.

Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone who I love and care about. I hope your Christmases are wonderful. We are leaving for my grandparents' in a few minutes, so I won't be around for the next 3 days. I love you all!!


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