Tuesday, December 30, 2003

I can't believe I forgot to put this yesterday...one person got saved after I preached!  I freaked out!  WOW...someone got saved because God used ME! 

I wish I could write a deep, thought-provoking post.  I read dozens of sites that make me think or laugh.  I just don't think I have it in me.  I read a few sites tonight with much controversy over the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  My opinion really doesn't matter.  Read this website: http://www.family.org/teenguys/breakmag/features/a0018699.html
It's amazing.  LOTRs isn't evil.

I love you all and love Texas.  Everyone should live in Texas!


Monday, December 29, 2003

I helped my aunt pick out a bridesmaid dress today for her wedding!  It's really great!

I think yesterday went really well preaching.  I was SO nervous.  I thought I was going to throw up all morning.  During the actual message, my voice quivered, and I could have cried at any moment.  Oh well, I made it through.  Lots of people told me it was exactly what they needed to hear; that made it all worth it!

I can't believe I go back to Illinois on Saturday. It's too soon! UGH  Oh well, I love Masters.  I love you too!


Sunday, December 28, 2003

Christmas rocked!  I have the best family in the entire world.  I went to an awesome concert of my super cool cousin's band Lukas Hollow.  I hung out with friends tonight.  I preach tomorrow! YEA!


Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Merry Christmas Eve!  Being home has been wonderful.  Yesterday my brother and sister-in-law came into town.  We had our family Christmas last night.  It was splendid.  We ate Mexican food, opened presents, ate Christmas cake and then watched "It's a Wonderful Life."  Welcome to Carter tradition. I got some wonderful things.  But overall, it was wonderful being with my family.

We leave in a few minutes to go to my Grandmother and Papa's house. (My dad's parents)  We will eat and open presents.  It will be wonderful.  Then we go to my Nannie and Granddaddy's house.  There we will spend the night while Santa comes down the chimney.  Much fun and excitement.  Tomorrow (Christmas) we will see Santa's presents and then open many more.

I LOVE CHRISTMAS!  I hope you all have a VERY Merry Christmas. I love you!


Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I'm home!!  Saturday was frustrating because I had to arrive at the airport 4 hours early and then my flight was delayed for another hour and a half.  Oh well, by 7:15 that evening, I got to see my family.  Mom, Dad, Scott, Mark, Nannie, Granddaddy, Aunt Kim and Aunt Angie all came.  It was WONDERFUL to see them.  Oh yeah, so I didn't wear the face mask because when I finally got on the flight, I didn't have the guts.  hehe

I'm preaching this coming Sunday at my church.  However, I just realized that I left my notes in Illinois.  Wow, I'm pretty dumb. Oh well, I'll figure it out.  I'm just glad to be home.

I love you all!


Saturday, December 20, 2003

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I go home tomorrow!!  It's 12:20 right now, and I'm about to go to bed.  Then tomorrow at 8 am, I begin my adventure home.  I go to the bus station at 9 am, I'll get to Midway Airport around 11.  Then my flight doesn't leave til 2:55 pm.  Yes, I realize there is a very long time between these times, but I tried every other resource!!  It doesn't matter.  That will give me an opportunity to do my make up and junk like that. Hehe, get this.  The doctor told me I need to wear a mask on the plane because I'm sick.  He said if I don't, I'll get everyone elses germs since my immune system is already low.  I think it's funny.  I'll be the scary, weird girl who's all alone.  hehe

I love you all.  I can't wait to be back in Texas tomorrow!  YEA!


Friday, December 19, 2003

I'm sick.  I went to the doctor, and I have tonsilitis.  It hurts so bad.  I can swollow okay but breathing the cold air hurts.  I left Master's after lunch today to see the doctor.  I'm not going tomorrow cause I feel like crap.  Plus, I need to pack, get things organized, go to Walgreens, and check on a ticket for the shuttle to the airport.

Y'all, I fly home on SATURDAY!  I can't believe it's finally here.  I'm be home in no time.  I love you all, and for my Texans, I'll see you in 2 days!


Christmas Vacation: 1 day

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Tonight at 12:03 I get to see Lord of the Rings!!!!  YEA!  Rockford's theater is having a sneak preview beginning at midnight, and I, Christen, hold a ticket.  I have waited a year, and tonight I will find out who Gollum was talking about when he said "she" at the end of the 2nd movie.  YIPPEE!

I'm a little sick right now.  Ugh.  I have a head cold...stuffy/runny nose, headache, sore throat, swollen tonsils.  I wish I could just sleep for a long time.  As long as I'm well by Saturday, I'm okay with it.


Christmas vacation: 3 1/2 days!

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Woke up, ate Subway, talked to God, worked out, ate pizza, showered, watched C-Life basketball, drank Starbucks, finished homework.  It was a good day.  I love you!


Christmas vacation: 7 days!

Friday, December 12, 2003

God rocks.  This morning I had one of the best quiet times I've had in my entire life.  Wow, He blows my mind with His love, His plans for my life, and His overwhelming grace.  Today in chapel we talked about the Common Hours, which are the days when you aren't praying for a special event, i.e. Fall Retreat, out reach, school focus night, or nothing huge is happening in your life.  Common Hours are normal days that seem hum-drum to us.  However, God sees these days as HUGE opportunities to prepare us for the day we will face our Goliath.  David didn't pick up a sling shot for the first time when he killed Goliath; he had practiced for years.  Why should we pray for months or years of annointing in our crisis hour when God's given us months or years to pray for it?  Just think about it.

Well, I love you all.  I feel that it's only fair to begin the Christmas vacation countdown.  It's only 8 days, so don't freak out.

Christmas vacation: 8 days!


p.s. All I want for Christmas are some props and comments.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Today is the day of new beginning.  Today we had girl split-off at Master's, and we talked about overcoming our pasts.  Megan asked us what from our pasts we were dealing with and wanted to be able to get over.  It was exactly what I needed.  Today I wrote a super-short email to my ex boyfriend and told me we would not be speaking anymore.  Then I deleted his email and blocked his address.  I know God will honor my efforts to stop my thought process about him.  God is healing me just as I knew he would, but He really does do things in His timing.

Well, a new restaurant opened in Rockford today, Panera Bread.  For my fellow Texans, you may not have heard of it, but it's wonderful.  We ate lunch there today!

God rocks.  What would I do without hope in Him?  Life would be so meaningless.  Oh, I'm not sure I told yall this.  I'm preaching at my home church on December 28.  I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to speak on: a little of my testimony and then Renewing the Mind.  Obviously I've got a lot to do, but I'm excited.  Love yall!


Sunday, December 7, 2003

I feel like a freakin rollercoaster.  Up, down, up, down. I'm working on the whole coasting thing.  My last post sounded a little anti-guys.  Sorry guys!  I love you; I promise.  I'm doing better, prayer and a really cool aunt have helped a lot.

This weekend was super fun.  I went to Shaumberg (a suburb of Chicago) on Friday and shopped.  I had a blast with some of my fellow Master's and did some Christmas shopping.  Then Saturday night I went to the heart of Chi-town. I went with my small group and ate down town by the river on Michigan Avenue.  It was a B-L-A-S-T!  My small group kids called me Mom all night cause I wanted to walk behind them and make sure everyone stayed together.  Then on the L (which is the subway) I made them all get in first.  It was funny.  They are hilarious.

This morning at church the kids had their Christmas Choir performance. This one kid was dressed as a donkey and was still behind the curtain.  My friend Brent was waving at him just being nice.  Donkey kid made a really mean face then slashed his finger across his neck like pretending to cut his head off.  Brent stood up and was like "What kid?"  Oh my gosh, it was hilarious!  Then Donkey kid forgot his lines and Brent started laughing.

Well, tomorrow we have Missions Day.  It's like missions trip team building and conditioning.  We have to be at the church at 7 am.  AGH!

Gotta go!  Love yall!


Thursday, December 4, 2003

Let's talk.  If you and your significant other break up, don't wait 8 months to say you screwed up royally.  The likelyhood is they have moved on, they are okay with their life, they don't want to hear from you.  Yes, appologize, but do it like within a month.  Then let them have closure, let them be at peace.  I'm sorry to be on a soapbox, but I'm not getting off.  Today I got an email from the guy who broke my heart.  He wanted me to know he was sorry.  And, you know what, I genuinely appreciate it, but I was doing just fine without it.  I really had closed that part of my life and was going on.  It definitely brought things back.  It's like a scraped knee that's just about healed.  You think it's okay to scratch off the scab, but then it starts bleeding and the whole process starts over for the healing.  Why on earth would he wait 8 months?  God, help me forgive him.


Wednesday, December 3, 2003

Okay, this is super exciting.  Today I was setting up my computer in my apartment to look at something, and I noticed that the little green light on my wireless card blinked to green.  Meaning...I have wireless connection in my apartment!  YEA!  I'm not gonna tell anyone (here) because I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have access to it.  They have wireless in an office across the street from me.  Super cool though, huh? 

I guess I'm be getting on Xanga more, which of course is cool.  Peace out my brothers!
