Sunday, December 7, 2003

I feel like a freakin rollercoaster.  Up, down, up, down. I'm working on the whole coasting thing.  My last post sounded a little anti-guys.  Sorry guys!  I love you; I promise.  I'm doing better, prayer and a really cool aunt have helped a lot.

This weekend was super fun.  I went to Shaumberg (a suburb of Chicago) on Friday and shopped.  I had a blast with some of my fellow Master's and did some Christmas shopping.  Then Saturday night I went to the heart of Chi-town. I went with my small group and ate down town by the river on Michigan Avenue.  It was a B-L-A-S-T!  My small group kids called me Mom all night cause I wanted to walk behind them and make sure everyone stayed together.  Then on the L (which is the subway) I made them all get in first.  It was funny.  They are hilarious.

This morning at church the kids had their Christmas Choir performance. This one kid was dressed as a donkey and was still behind the curtain.  My friend Brent was waving at him just being nice.  Donkey kid made a really mean face then slashed his finger across his neck like pretending to cut his head off.  Brent stood up and was like "What kid?"  Oh my gosh, it was hilarious!  Then Donkey kid forgot his lines and Brent started laughing.

Well, tomorrow we have Missions Day.  It's like missions trip team building and conditioning.  We have to be at the church at 7 am.  AGH!

Gotta go!  Love yall!


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