Sunday, October 2, 2005

Today I've had such a weird feeling. I've been thinking about the wreck, and it seems so surreal. Sorry I didn't elaborate more yesterday.

Last night on the way home from the Ranger's game, we were coming through Midlothian and our driver accidently ran a red light. I saw the whole thing, which was crazy. I was sitting in the front seat and realized we weren't slowing down for the red light. The guys in the back seat said I started screaming (I don't remember screaming) at this point. I saw the oncoming SUV begin to turn right to try to avoid us, but his front left end hit the back seat passenger door intially and moved all the way up to about the mirror. I braced myself against Shelby (who was also in the front seat) and now her arm is really sore. In the impact, the back seat door's window shattered throwing the glass throughout the car. Glass was all down my shirt and pants, and I have a few bad scratches on my lower back.

Isn't it amazing how complex our minds are? I can recall about a million different things that were going through my mind immediately after the impact, like: "What if he doesn't have full coverage? How expensive is this going to be? He does not deserve this." or "Am I bleeding? I cannot get blood on Karissa's sweater." or "Oh, crap, my drink just spilled in the floorboard." or "It's 12:30; we're going to be late for curfew."

So, the police came and asked a million questions. I was in complete shock. I'd never been in a wreck before and felt so bad that it had happened to my friend who was driving. It still doesn't seem real, but we're all okay. We all have some scratches, and Shelby has a sweet bruise from the steering wheel. God really had his hand on us.


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