Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Josh McDowell

Have you ever read anything by Josh McDowell? I own the book Beyond Belief...amazing.

Today, SAGU brought him in to speak to us. He spoke in my 8 o'clock and then again in chapel. Incredible. He is the most down to earth, honest, intelligent speaker that we've heard in a while. This morning he talked about truth. What is it? How do we know? Then in chapel he talked about relationships.

This is what brought me to write to you, dearest xanga. I sat, literally, with my mouth gaping because I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The statistics of today's culture are staggering. Did you know...

When it comes to the difference between born again, Bible believing Christian teens and unchurched, unsaved teens, there is only a 1% difference in the behavior between these two groups. 85% of graduating seniors who attend church regularly will walk away from the church and never return. 91% of students who are born again don't believe there is absolute truth.

YEAH...if it would have been coming from anyone else, I wouldn't have believed it, but I know that this man is well respected and does extensive research.

Anyway, he then spoke about the importance of a relationship with one's father. I sat in complete amazement because I've definitely taken my father forgranted. Josh talked about the effects that children suffer from the lack of a relationship with their father: 64% increased chance of being involved with drugs, alcohol or violence; an increased chance of coronary heart disease, hypertension, suicide and tumors. Just astonishing. He talked about the research that has been done by secular researchers on the physical, mental wiring that an infant is born with to develop meaningful relationships with their fathers.

It was such an amazing dissertation.

So I wrote my dad an email telling him how much I loved and appreciated him. I have the best father in the world.

Here he is with Eli:


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